Monday, October 5, 2020

STEM Spotlight

Due to the many shifts in our instructional practices this year, we have decided to put a pause on our "Book of the Month” feature for this year.  I thought it would still be important to highlight the diversity, importance, and fun in the fields of STEM. I plan to release STEM Spotlights over the course of the year.  The goal is to broaden students’ perspectives about who engages in math and science, and the many different options STEM presents to them.  Linked below is the spotlight for Oct/Nov, the theme for this release is space and the spotlights are on Katherine Johnson and Susan Finley. 

I have invited RPS teachers to utilize the pieces they find most appropriate for their students/grade-level.  I created this in Google Slides so that it may be utilized seamlessly with Google Classroom and/or Pear Deck as it suits the teacher's needs!

Next edition - Math focus! Enjoy!