Wednesday, January 2, 2019

One Word 2019

As the 2018 year draws to a close, I try to intentionally build moments reserved for reflection of the past and the light moving forward to the new dawn.  Specifically, this past year was a year of change for me so it was a perfect opportunity to consider the shifts I've made personally and professionally. The #OneWord movement from Jon Gordon has become a way to re-think a new year resolution. 

My #OneWord2018 was Balance.  (my blog post from last year is here)  Both directly and indirectly, I think my focus on this all-important word was the catalyst for much of the change over the past year. A significant change was the career shift I took from Elementary Principal to STEM Curriculum Coordinator.  I loved (and still do!) the school community and the work of the principalship, but this professional shift allowed me better balance.  It has provided a rich new challenges professionally, allowing for new professional growth and learning.  The balance of new responsibilities with familiar district and colleagues has been a great opportunity to grow.  Additionally, and even more importantly, this position has provided a better balance for my personal and professional well-being.  Although the work is not easy, it is more predictable, allowing for my most important role of mom to find balanced footing with my professional responsibilities. 

Looking Forward
My #OneWord2019 is Pursuit.  This word has been coming up for me in the last few weeks, and I hope it will help to continue as my guiding light in the new year.  Pursuit will mean both the act of the chase and seeking to accomplish. Being mindful of what it is I want to accomplish - both on the small scale (to-do lists, planning for professional and personal steps, etc.) and on the larger scale (life plans, multi-year hopes, etc.)  will require that I'm also attending to the process through which I will try to achieve the accomplishments.  It may also be that the pursuit is for grander things (think pursuit of happiness) beyond those that can ever be finished.  There is something about my word that puts the priority on the process and the journey - not just the end result- that speaks to me this year.

I wish you health, happiness, and pursuits filled with wonder in this new year!

What is your #OneWord?

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