Friday, November 30, 2018

Hour of Code

December 3-9 is the week of “Hour of Code.”  It takes place during Computer Science Education Week – a week held in recognition of the birthday of Grace Hopper (a pioneer in computing!)  
Teachers/Parents:  You don’t have to be an expert to allow your child opportunity to code. The best part about coding is the embedded learning cycle of trial->error->analyze & adjust->try again!  There are many resources that make it simple for students to try coding (including some unplugged opportunities.)  Check them out below!

Websites & Online Resources
Hour of Code intro videos

Historical Figures in Coding

Apple Stores have events to celebrate Hour of Code – check them out here:

Don’t worry – if the timing doesn’t work for you next week – most of these resources are free and are available all the time… so hold your “Hour of Code” anytime! Happy Programming!

Heather Leonard
STEM Curriculum Coordinator, Reading Public Schools
Phone: 781-670-2256
Twitter: @STEMReading

Computer Science Timeline
§  1843 – Mathematician Ada Lovelace writes about programming while she works with Charles Baggage, who creates the first plans for a mechanical computer. Lovelace writes an algorithm, or program, that could be used on this computer, which is why many consider her the first computer programmer.
§  1938 – Konrad Zuse completes the design and build of the Z1, the first freely programmable computer. It is a complex mechanical calculator that uses binary code, or “ones and zeros.”
§  1945 – John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert complete the Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and Computer (ENIAC), the first electronic computer. This makes it much faster than previous mechanical machines. Used by the U.S. Military to do ballistics calculations, the ENIAC weighs 30 tons and fills an entire 1,800 square foot room. Six women become the ENIAC’s main programmers: Jean Jennings Bartik, Kay McNulty, Betty Snyder, Marlyn Wescoff, Fran Bilas, and Ruth Lichterman.
§  1959 – COBOL, the first programming language to use words instead of numbers, is developed based on the work of Grace Hopper, a math professor and Navy rear admiral.
§  1963 – Douglas Engelbert invents the computer mouse. The device is nicknamed a “mouse” because it resembles the rodent, and the term seems to stick. At Stanford Research Institute, he helped to lay the foundation for the graphical user interface (GUI), which allows users to operate the computer visually on a screen using icons and a pointing device.
§  1969 – Computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider’s work greatly influences the development of the modern Internet. An Internet pioneer, he develops the ARPANET, the direct predecessor of the Internet, named after the U.S. Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). He and his team exchange computer communications between universities.
§  1969 – Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Doug McIlroy, and Joe Ossanna begin working on a multiuser operating system at AT&T’s Bell Labs. The system will become known as UNIX.
§  1970 – The programming language SQL, which stands for “Structured Query Language,” begins development at IBM.
§  1973 – The Xerox Alto is released, becoming one of the first personal computers for individual use. It is also the first computer with a desktop monitor and GUI. Before GUIs, computers were operated with only a keyboard. The Xerox Alto offered the capability to program in four different languages.
§  1973 – The fourth edition of UNIX is rewritten in C programming language. This allows the operating system to be moved to different computers, which will have a huge impact on the development of later systems.
§  1975 – Programmers Bill Gates and Paul Allen partner up to found a startup company called Microsoft. Their goal is to get “a computer on every desktop and in every home.”
§  1976 – Programmers Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak found Apple Computer Company.
§  1977 – Apple Computer releases the first personal computer with color graphics, the Apple II.
§  1980 – Tim Paterson leads the development of 86-DOS (“Disk Operating System”), the first in a series of early operating systems, at Seattle Computer Products.
§  1981 – An early version of MS-DOS, Microsoft’s first computer operating system, is developed by Microsoft to run on IBM computers.
§  1981 – The IBM personal computer debuts, transforming the market with its affordable price and combination of personal and business capabilities.
§  1983 – The C++ programming language is developed by Danish computer scientist Bjarne Stroustrup.
§  1983 – The first mobile phone, Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, is released. It has a basic operating system that stores contacts, marking the beginning of mobile application development.
§  1984 – Apple releases its first Macintosh personal computer.
§  1985 – Microsoft releases its new operating system Windows 1.0, which can be operated using a mouse.
§  1989 – The World Wide Web (WWW) is created by British scientist Tim Berners-Lee at CERN, a center for scientific research. It is intended to internationally share information between scientists. In the following year, Berners-Lee also establishes the web’s essential components: hypertext markup language (HTML) for creating web documents, the uniform resource locator (URL) for designating websites, and hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) for sending and retrieving information on the web.
§  1991 – Dutch programmer Guido van Russum creates the Python programming language, which focuses on condensing and simplifying code.
§  1991 – Linus Torvalds, a Finnish computer science student, releases Linux kernel. It evolves into Linux, a hugely popular operating system that is open source, which means it is free and can be customized by users.
§  1993 – CERN’s World Wide Web code is released to the public, allowing anyone to use and customize it. It quickly becomes a universal web service used on the Internet.
§  1995 – Java programming is created by James Gosling. It’s designed to run on most platforms.
§  1995 – Microsoft releases Windows 95. At the time of release, the majority of computers throughout the world run a Microsoft operating system.
§  1999 – At this point, most dates in code are formatted as “MM/DD/YY,” with the computer recognizing that there is a “19” before the year digits. As a result, everyone fears that computers will fail to shift from 1999 to 2000 and cause major problems. Billions of dollars are spent on fixing the code of the Y2K bug before the clock changes.
§  2000 – Danish software engineer Anders Hejlsberg develops C#, a simple general-purpose programming language.
§  2002 – Visual Basic .NET, a high-level programming language, is created by Microsoft.
§  2009 – The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) is founded to protect institutions and infrastructures from malicious cyberthreats.
§  2013 – The nonprofit is launched to promote computer programming education in schools.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

"How Many"

Danielson, 2018
The Reading Public Schools Learning & Teaching Team selected "How Many" as our November book of the month.  Although the title appears deceivingly simple, the book is an outside the box (or egg carton) way of thinking and talking about counting.  Author Christopher Danielson uses rich photographs to engage discussions about 'how many' you see in the picture.  This counting book breaks the mold (or avocado skin) by;

  • Not progressing in predictable manners (i.e. pages do not go 1, 2, 3...)
  • Having MANY possible correct answers
  • Providing complicated items to count (pizzas with different toppings, avocado halves, etc.)
  • Not having an answer key - because really, it's all about the discussion!

Danielson, 2018

When reading this book and children give an answer to the question "how many?" parents should prompt them to share... how many of what?  Open up the possibility for seeing things differently (and even better than that - counting things differently!)  Do you see ONE pair of shoes?  Does your child see TWO shoes?  Both are correct and lead towards great conversations that build student understanding of unitizing.

Danielson's book is engaging enough that even older children can discuss their thinking (fractional pieces of pizza?  Arrays of avocado halves?)

Caution - you may find that using this book leads to lots of "How Many" conversations - in the car, at the dinner table, while folding laundry...the possibilities are endless!


Heather Leonard, STEM Curriculum Coordinator, Reading Public Schools
Twitter: @STEMReading

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Classroom Math Questions

There are so many different ways that teachers can target and focus on individual student needs. One key instructional move is the use of questioning. Teachers can utilize questions as a way to engage students in deeper thinking. This small summary written by Kim Marshall outlines the power of reframing questions to deepen student thought and engagement.

A School Focuses on Classroom Math Questions
            In this Journal of Staff Development article, Boston Public Schools educators Sara Zrike and Christine Connolly describe making a series of 20-minute visits to math classrooms in a K-8 school and noticing that teachers’ questions were often not engaging students in higher-level thinking. They also noticed that teachers were talking more than students, questions and answers happened in ping-pong fashion between teachers and students, there were few moments when students commented on each others’ thinking, and misconceptions were not used as learning opportunities. All this was a problem because the school was trying to bring math instruction up to Common Core levels.

Zrike and Connolly created a transcript of classroom math questions from their visits, asked teachers to read an article on question types, and devoted several grade-level meetings to this topic. At first, teachers were reluctant to look at the transcripts, fearing they would reveal ineffective instructional practices. But teachers’ names weren’t attached to the questions and the exercise of sorting them into two categories proved to be non-threatening and eye-opening. The two types mentioned in the article were “funneling” questions (leading to one right answer) and “focusing” questions (more open-ended and thought-provoking). Here are some examples of each:

-    What’s a decade?
-    If 490 were males, how many would be females?
-    Are these pieces bigger or smaller?
-    Would 8/7 be more than a whole?
-    How many multiples of 24 are there?
-    Do you agree or disagree?
-    Did anyone else make it simpler?
-    Is that a fraction?
-    What are you going to put right there?
-    Count by 5s; what comes after 15?
-    So which one is your answer? You have 2 numbers circled.
-    Is it getting bigger or smaller?
-    How do you know this answer doesn’t make sense?
-    Tell me which answer is ridiculous and why.
-    Why is this more complicated?
-    Can you explain it again?
-    Do you want to explain what she said?
-    How did you know that?
-    Why was I confused?

“Teachers said they had no idea that they were asking so many funneling questions,” says Zrike, “and felt that it would be easy to make some of the same questions more focusing.” For example, the question, “Would 8/7 be more than a whole?” was rewritten as, “What does the fraction 8/7 tell us about the whole? How do you know?” Teachers went to work on crafting higher-level questions with a new consciousness of questioning rigor.

Classroom observations a few months later showed a marked improvement: “A majority of the questions asked by teachers probed students to explain how they solved a problem, why they solved it that way, and how do they know they problem-solved correctly,” says Connelly. “Often, teachers exhibited longer wait times, which is necessary when asking cognitively demanding questions requiring significant language in the answers.” In that spring’s state MCAS testing, the school showed a significant uptick in math and literacy scores.
“Problem Solvers: Teacher Leader Teams with Content Specialist to Strengthen Math Instruction” by Sara Zrike and Christine Connolly in Journal of Staff Development, February 2015 (Vol. 36, #1, p. 20-22, 29),